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The pup behind the logo!  Her story begins as a fighter.  Her and her litter were born with Fading Puppy Syndrome, where they weren't getting all of the nutrients they needed.  Her mother's owner wanted to make sure they were given away to families she could trust, so she reached out to The Hawk's, a family she knew very well.  Artemis was the runt of her litter, so she is only half the size of a normal lab.  Her size is the reason for the name Li'l Dog Moonshine. 


She is known as the cuddle bug of the Hawk family and had claimed her personal spot on their laps when the recliner goes up.  She is also known as her brother, Max's, shadow and will follow him wherever he goes!



Max has truly taken on the role of Big Brother for Artemis!  This Golden Retriever is a big teddy bear who constantly needs attention (Because he's so attention deprived in the first place).  Max always makes sure to watch out for his little sister and his family against all of the scary tree and bunnies in the back yard.


Some of Max's passions include tug of war (though he doesn't understand the 'tug' part), eating (... literally anything), ear rubs, licking his family non stop, burping in their faces, and anything that can give him attention.

Show us your Pups!

Leave us a picture of your Li'l Dog to be showcased on our website!

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